Section 6.1: Multiple Regression Models
- State the assumptions of the multiple linear regression (MLR) model as a system of equations when the distribution of the noise term is unspecified beyond its mean and variance-covariance.
- State the assumptions of the multiple linear regression model as matrix-vector equation when the distribution of the noise term is unspecified beyond its mean and variance-covariance.
- Sketch a drawing of the main parts of the multiple linear regression model with two predictors, including:
- The population regression plane.
- The expected value of the response.
- The observed value of the response.
- The error term.
- State the assumptions of the multiple linear regression with Gaussian noise (MLRGN) model.
Section 6.8: Diagnostics and Remedial Measures
- Explain the rationale for using the statistical properties of the residuals from a fitted multiple linear regression model as a proxy for the population errors.
- State the relevant residual diagnostic plots to generate after fitting a multiple linear regression model.
- Relate each residual diagnostic plot from the previous learning objective to the associated assumption of the multiple linear regression with Gaussian noise (MLRGN) model.
- Given a residual diagnostic plot, determine whether the plot indicates a departure from the assumptions of MLRGN.
Properties of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimators Under MLR and MLRGN (Lecture Notes for Lecture 14)
- State the point estimator we will use for the population coefficients \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\).
- State the point estimator we will use for the population noise variance \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\).
- State the mean and variance-covariance matrix of the ordinary least squares estimator \(\mathbf{b}\) under the MLR model.
- State the variance of the coefficient estimator \(b_{j}\) under the MLR model.
- Describe how the variance of the coefficient estimator for the coefficient parameter for the j-th predictor under the MLR model varies with:
- The sample size.
- The population noise variance.
- The standard deviation of \(j\)-th predictor.
- The correlation between the \(j\)-th predictor and the other predictors used in the model.
- Define the multiple \(R^2\) between a predictor variable and the other predictor variables in the model.
- Reason about what makes the multiple \(R^2\) between a predictor variable and the other predictor variables in the model large (\(\approx 1\)) or small (\(\approx 0\)).
- State the sampling distribution of the coefficient estimators under the multiple linear regression with Gaussian noise (MLRGN) model.
- State the sampling distribution of the studentized coefficient estimators under the multiple linear regression with Gaussian noise (MLRGN) model.
R (Lecture Notes for Lecture 14)
- Create residual diagnostic plots “by-hand” using functions from
- Create residual diagnostic plots using
from the MUsaic