Complete the following 4 problems:
Hint for Problems 7.6, 7.8, and 7.9: The function confidenceEllipse in the car package will return a matrix with the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of the confidence ellipse that you can plot in Base R using:
plot(confidenceEllipse(...), type = 'l')
where the ... should be the appropriate arguments to confidenceEllipse.
You can also add a single \((x, y)\) point to a plot in Base R by using the command
points(x, y)
Read Section 9.2.1 of The Truth About Linear Regression[1] about interpreting coefficients in a linear regression after log-transforming the response. Then answer the following questions.
Note: Everywhere you see a \(\log\), you should assume it is the natural logarithm. As some of you have already heard me say, there is only one logarithm, and it is the natural logarithm.
Assume that the MLRGN model assumptions hold for the multiple linear regression model of the log-response on the predictors: \[ \log Y_{i} = \beta_{0} + \sum_{j = 1}^{p} \beta_{j} X_{ij} + \epsilon_{i}, i = 1, \ldots, n\]
Consider the simple linear regression model \[ \log Y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} X + \epsilon.\] As you discovered in the previous problem, \(\beta_{1}\) no longer corresponds to the expected increase in \(Y\) for each unit increase in \(X\). However, we can provide an interpretation for \(\beta_{1}\) that is nearly as easy to understand, as long as \(\beta_{1}\) is sufficiently small in magnitude.
This is one of my favorite textbooks on regression, by one of my favorite statisticians, Cosma Shalizi. As the title suggests, it cuts past a lot of b******t you might read / hear about linear regression and provides just the facts about what a regression can (and cannot) say about a statistical question. If you ever want to know more about linear regression, I strongly recommend this book. ↩