
Debugging Tools in R

  1. Set breakpoints in R scripts to enter the debugger mode in RStudio.

Debugging Using the Internet

  1. Describe a general procedure for deciphering an error message returned by R using the internet.
  2. State the most common end-locations for a Google search about an error in R.
  3. Describe the layout of a generic Stack Overflow page.
  4. Explain how to read a Stack Overflow page.

Version Control, Git, and GitHub

Version Control

  1. Define version control.
  2. State the advantages of using a version control system over the “duplicating and renaming” method of keeping versions of R code.


  1. Explain, in broad strokes, how Git performs version control.
  2. Describe what a commit does in the context of Git.
  3. Describe what a repository is in the context of Git.


  1. Explain how GitHub interacts with a local Git repository.
  2. Explain what pushing from a local repository to a GitHub repository does.
  3. Explain what pulling from a GitHub repository to a local repository does.
  4. Use RStudio’s built-in Git interface to commit changes and push and pull changes from a repository hosted on GitHub.
  5. Describe a typical workflow for using Git and GitHub within RStudio Cloud.