Section 6.3:


  1. Repeat 9 with \(n\) = 36 and \(c\) = 0.95.
  2. Repeat 9 with \(n\) = 100 and \(c\) = 0.99.
  3. For equal values of \(c\), what happens to the confidence interval as \(n\) increases?
  4. For equal values of \(n\), what happens to the confidence interval as \(c\) increases?


  1. Repeat 26 with \(E\)=$250 and \(c\) = 0.95.
  2. Repeat 26 with \(E\)=$500 with \(c\) = 0.99.
  3. For equal values of \(c\), how does n vary with \(E\)?
  4. For equal values of \(E\), how does n vary with \(c\)?

Section 6.4:

Use \(T\)-values for these problems.

14a, 17a