Section 1.2: Exponents and Radicals

  1. Explain how exponential notation with an integer exponent is shorthand for repeated multiplication / division.
  2. Simplify expressions using the properties of integer exponents.
  3. Express a given decimal number in scientific notation.
  4. Use properties of exponents to simplify calculations where numbers are in scientific notation.
  5. Explain how \(n\)-th roots are related to \(n\)-th powers.
  6. Simplify expressions involving \(n\)-th roots.
  7. Explain the correspondence between \(n\)-th roots and rational exponents.
  8. Simplify expressions involving rational exponents.

Section 1.3: Algebraic Expressions

  1. Determine whether a given expression is a polynomial, and if so, specify its degree.
  2. Add and subtract polynomials.
  3. FOIL (first-outer-inner-last) products of polynomials.
  4. Pull out common factors from a polynomial expression.
  5. Factor trinomials by trial-and-error.